Who doesn’t love manatees, the cuddly giants of the canals and waterways? Now is the time to get out there and see if you can spot them out and about, as they head for warmer waters during wintertime. During winter months, manatees tend to congregate in springs and power plant discharge basins, while during the […]
Manatees in Florida
Two Must-See Springs In North West Central Florida: Devil’s Den And Manatee Springs

Staying in one of the wonderful State Park Cabins at Fanning Springs, one might draw the conclusion that we had enough ‘spring’ in our step and in our vacation. Not so! After all, the area was new to us and intent on exploring, we decided to check out two other springs, Manatee Springs right next […]
Hiking Myakka River State Park’s Wilderness Preserve And Exploring Nearby Sarasota

After canoeing to the Myakka River Deep Hole last year, where hundreds of Alligators congregate, the decision was made to return for more exploration of Myakka River State Park! This time we were hoping to expend a little less energy and hike the 2.2 miles to the lower lake in Myakka’s State Park Wilderness Preserve. The […]